Varna Koota

Varna is the caste of the native. The caste has a social aspect and also a spiritual one.

There are four Varnas

  1. Brahmin (or Vipra): priest, highest caste
  2. Kshattriya: warrior, ruler of the earth
  3. Vaishya: merchant, doing business
  4. Shudra: doing service, lowest caste

Vana is not only a wordly property of the native but has a deeper spiritual meaning.

  • Brahmin: love to God is the source of spirituality
  • Kshattriya: has to prove spiritual conciousness in wordly actions, given power by grace
  • Vaishya: dealing, feeling the advantages of religious inclination
  • Shudra: religious by tradition or not interested at all

Calculation of Varna

There are several different methods to determine the Varna, based upon

  1. Rasi of the Moon
  2. Navamsa of the Moon
  3. Other objects like Ascendant or Sun
  4. Nakshatra of the Moon (more than four Varnas)

Astakoota uses the first option (Rasi of the Moon).

Varna Element Moon Signs
Brahmin Water Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Kshattriya Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vaishya Air Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Shudra Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Varna Matching in Astakoota

Rule: the Varna of the groom should be equal or higher than the Varna of the bride. Favourable combinations get 1 point, else 0.

Bride ↓ Brahmin Kshattriya Vaishya Shudra
Brahmin 1 0 0 0
Kshattriya 1 1 0 0
Vaishya 1 1 1 0
Shudra 1 1 1 1