Drishtis (Aspects)

There are 3 different kinds of aspects in Vedic astrology.

  • Graha Drishti: aspects of planets. This is the most commonly used approach in Vedic astrology.
  • Sputa Drishti: aspects based on the longitude of planets. This approach is advanced and needs some calculation.
  • Rasi Drishti: aspects ased upon zodiacal signs, most frequently used in Jaimini astrology. Will not be explained here.

Graha and Sputa Drishti are based upon the same rules. These rules will be explained in the following sub sections.

Section Description
Basics Common basics of Graha and Sputa Drishti
Sphuta Drishti Calculation of Sputa Drishti

Drishti Basics

Graha and Sputa Drishti are based upon the same rules. These rules are summarized in the table below.

Houses Zodiacal Degrees Strength Exceptions
7th 180° 100% -
4th and 8th 90° and 210° 75% Mars has 100% strength
5th and 9th 120° and 240° 50% Jupiter has 100% strength
3th and 10th 60° and 270° 25% Saturn has 100% strength

Graha Drishti

Graha Drishti is based upon the sign positions of the planets.

Advantage of Graha drishti are simple calculation and the fact that it can be applied to all higher Varga charts.